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The Certification Process

  1. Pre-Application
  2. Listserv announcement for Pre-Application timeframe is posted. Pre-application to be completed by one representative of the testing site is available on NCTA website.
  3. Submit application materials and appendices during pre-application period.
  4. TCC Advisor Assigned
  5. When pre-application is approved, an Advisor is assigned who will assist throughout the application process.
  6. When the Advisor determines the application and documentation are satisfactory, the material is emailed to the Test Center Certification Committee by the advisor.
  7. Evaluators Assigned
  8. Application is evaluated for compliance with NCTA Standards and Guidelines.
  9. Site Visit
  10. A visit to the center is conducted by two people affiliated with your institution.
  11. Recommendation
  12. Once the site visit is completed and all criteria have been met, the site will be recommended to the NCTA Governing Council for certification.
  13. Certification
  14. Certified centers are announced on the NCTA listserv. In addition, the center receives a large plaque suitable for display, the right to use the certified center logo on its website and other promotional materials, and a sample press release to announce this accomplishment.

Certification Application Materials Required

Here is a list of required documents for certification during application (For further details, please check the Application Checklist Form):

  1. Completed current certification application
  2. Appendix 1 Mission Statement
  3. Appendix 2A Test Center Photos and Appendix 2B Floor Plan
  4. Appendix 3 Test Integrity
  5. Appendix 4 Confidentiality Statement
  6. Appendix 5A Operations/ Procedures Manual, Appendix 5B Test Center Training Materials, Appendix 5C Training Checklist, Appendix 5D Training Description and Appendix 5E Test Center’s Emergency Protocol
  7. Appendix 6A Annual Report, Appendix 6B Satisfaction Survey, and Appendix 6C Summary data collected from satisfaction survey
  8. Appendix 7 Agreements and Contracts Review Process
  9. Appendix 8A Position Descriptions and Appendix 8B Staff/Student Performance Evaluation Process
  10. Appendix 9 Organization Chart
  11. Appendix 10 Brochure