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Journal of the National College Testing Association

 The National College Testing Association is currently accepting submissions for papers to appear in the Journal of the National College Testing Association.

General Information

The Journal of the National College Testing Association (JNCTA) is a professional, peer-reviewed publication which focuses on the trends, practices, research, programs, policies, and activities related to examination development and administration. The journal is sponsored by the National College Testing Association, the largest international organization of college testing professionals. Except for the very occasional special issue, the journal generally does not have particular themes by issue, so submissions on any subject related to testing and assessment are encouraged and welcome. Potential topics include

  • The practical application of existing psychometric research (e.g., how-to studies related to how theoretical concepts can be applied to actual test development and administration).
  • Technological advancements and their potential application to testing.
  • Standards and practices which have been developed as a result of reflection and/or practical experimentation.
  • The place of standardized testing within higher education, broadly conceived.
  • Any other aspect of testing including, but not limited to, historical studies, social and psychological studies of test administration, test administration and sub-populations, testing and the law, financial/business aspects of testing, and the philosophy of test administration.

2023: Volume 6

Past Issues:

2022; Volume 5

2020; Volume 4 (1)

2019; Volume 3 (2)

2019; Volume 3 (1)

2016; Volume 2 (1)

2015; Volume 1 (1)