Common Website FAQs

How can I add/delete members to our Institutional/Corporate membership?

Only the Key (primary) Contact for the Organization can make these changes. If you are the Key (primary) Contact for the Organization please fill out and submit this form and we will link the profiles to your account. Please allow 5-7 business days for the update to be made.

Need help finding a proctor for your exam?

NCTA does not schedule proctored exams, however, you can utilize our list of proctoring centers to find locations that might be ideal for you. Due to each test center having their own unique policies and schedules, we encourage you to reach out to each testing location of interest to inquire about testing with their proctoring site. 

Questions on test center policies regarding clothing, firearms, etc.? 

NCTA's standards and guidelines do not specify the exact allowed or prohibited items as they can differ widely by test vendor or sponsor requirements, as well as institutional requirements. We would encourage you to inquire with the test center that the test will be taken on their specific guidelines.

If you are a part of NCTA, you also have access to our Standards and Guidelines that members can access and use to develop institutional policies. NCTA does not have prescribed test policies for schools, as there can be wide variability in requirements across institutions, test sponsors, and jurisdictions. In addition to the standards, we recommend reviewing some of the sample resources for Test Center Certification, CAS testing standards that were developed based on NCTA’s work by our members, Proctoring Best Practices, and other information under member resources. Additionally, the listserv is a great resource to request policies/procedures from other schools to help in developing or revising.

 How do I join or remove myself from the listserv (google group)?

Please reach out to our team at [email protected] to let us know of your intentions, and then we can add or remove your email address from the group. To email into the listserv once you have joined, you can send your message to [email protected]

How do I edit our NCTA Proctoring Network Information?

  • Log in with your institution's NCTA Proctoring Network username and password. It is different than your membership username and password. If you do not know the NPN username/password, please contact [email protected].
  • Click Edit
  • Click Save


How do I find my dues invoice and/or conference registration?

  • Go to My Profile after you log in
  • From the My Profile tab, click on Your Organization.  Then, click on Invoices.


 How Do I Access NCTA's Updated W9 Form?

  • Clicking this PDF will give you our current W9 form.