Selected Standards for Certification

The following eleven standards are drawn from the list of NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines for use in the Test Center Certification process. Along with an excerpt for each Standard, we've included an example of how it is to be demonstrated in the Application for Certification.

Mission Statement   NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.A.1

"Develop and implement a mission statement consistent with the policies and standards set forth in this document."

Provide a copy of the test center's mission statement which includes a reference to following the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines; list the locations where it is posted. At a minimum, your test center’s mission statement should be listed on the test center’s website and at least one other location.

Adequate Facilities   NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.A.3

"Maintain adequate physical facilities and location suitable to the requirements of the testing program."

Provide digital photos and an annotated floor plan showing all areas of the test center (all testing rooms, check in areas, offices, and secure test storage). Note that taking photos with actual test-takers requires their written consent; photos without examinees present are acceptable.

Test Integrity              NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.A.6

"Protect the integrity of the test."

Indicate procedures in place demonstrating that the test center follows standardized processes for the receipt, storage, and handling of secure test material; that procedures are in place to properly identify examinees and deter impersonation, and how examinees are appropriately monitored.

Confidentiality           NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.A.7

"Protect the confidentiality and rights of privacy of examinees and staff."

Submit a copy of the policies and procedures in place to protect the confidentiality, and rights of privacy of examinees and staff and abide by copyright laws for the vendor requirements. Submit a copy of the center's confidentiality statement that all staff must sign.

Staff Training             NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.A.13

"Develop and implement appropriate guidelines for test center operations and staff training."

Document training practices for both current and new staff. Submit sample pages of training materials, test center operations or procedures manual, and test center emergency plan. Submit checklist that is signed by trainer and trainee(s) when training is completed.

Program Evaluation   NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.A.14

"Evaluate the testing program in an on-going, systematic, and comprehensive manner."

Outline the steps taken to evaluate the testing program. An annual report is required and should include comparing volumes over time, results of examinee satisfaction surveys, and departmental work objectives/goals. List how evaluations are conducted and results used. Submit a copy of an annual report and a sample of a blank examinee satisfaction survey.

Contracts       Paraphrased from NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.B

Maintain agreements with test providers.

List individuals who are involved in the review, implementation, and compliance of contracts and agreements. Indicate the location of stored agreements. List the companies with whom your center has agreements or contracts. Provide the process in which the contracts are being reviewed.

Testing Manager        NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.C.1

There is an "accountable manager…responsible for the appropriate administration of testing programs."

Identify the staff person who is responsible for the oversight of the testing program on campus. Identify his/her reporting line and provide a copy of the job description.

Testing Center Staff  Paraphrased from NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.C.3-4

Proctors and support staff working on behalf of the testing program have defined roles and receive instruction related to their responsibilities. Their work is monitored and evaluated.

List all positions involved in the testing program along with assigned responsibilities. Provide copies of the job descriptions or outlines of the assigned duties. Describe practices in place for monitoring and evaluating their work.

Services          NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.D.1

"The testing program will be represented at various levels within the organizational structure. As needs are identified, the program will make these needs, and the resources required, known to the appropriate personnel and offices in the institution."

Submit an organizational structure within which the testing program resides (chart and/or text). List the services provided by the test center.

Public Relations        NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, I.D.3

"…Implement appropriate public relations activities on behalf of the test center…."

Describe the public relations and communication activities in support of the test center. Include published schedules, press releases, link to test center web page, and/or any documents that communicate the testing services provided. Test centers will have or develop a website listing all of their services.