Detailed Agenda
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Subject to change. Please download the conference app for the most updated schedule and room assignments.
Registration Open: 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
First Time/First Time in a Long Time Attendees Session: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Registration Open: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Breakfast & Opening: 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM
Sponsor Workshop 1: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
A. RegisterBlast
For two decades, our exam, resource, and event registration tools have been used by higher education institutions of many shapes and sizes. Our suite of tools can provide solutions to improve day-to-day workflows and simplify the registration and scheduling process. In this presentation, we will look at our wide range of scheduling tools, platform updates, and an inside look at our product philosophy. If you are a RegisterBlast power user, a new user, or just interested in learning more, this presentation will have something for you. Come and join us.
B. Honorlock
How to prevent the use of AI tools during online assessments
AI tools like ChatGPT and Transcript are changing the landscape of higher ed and professional education by helping learners generate high-quality content and answer assessment questions without truly understanding the material. They’re evolving daily, and plagiarism detection tools can only hope to play catch-up someday.
AI tools aren’t just a trend. Educators need to be ready for what’s next. But how can you stop them from being used?
Join this engaging NCTA workshop to learn:
- How AI tools work & what makes them human: it’s a lot more than writing essays
- Plagiarism checkers vs. ChatGPT: we put ChatGPT to the test against 10 commonly used plagiarism checkers
- Outsmarting AI: assessment tips & technology to beat AI tools: practical tips for crafting exam questions that make AI tools less effective
Attend our workshop to also get access to a new AI Policy Statement template that can help set expectations for acceptable use of AI tools in your courses!
C. Proctorio
Workshop TBA
Sponsor Workshop 2: 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
A. Meazure Learning
The Game of Test Center Things: You Won’t Believe the Things You’ll Learn!
What better way to kick-off the NCTA conference in Vegas than a good fun game? If you’ve never played “The Game of Things,” you’re in for a hilarious and interactive group event that will surely be the highlight of your day. Join us and your fellow attendees in competing for the most creative responses to prompts like:
• Things you may find when candidates turn their pockets out during the security scan
• Things candidates do to get your attention
• Things you wish you knew before you entered the testing profession
• Things that go bump in the exam room
While you and your colleagues will be playing to win, we’ll share some more serious best practices for test center management and exam delivery. We’ll also have exciting updates about new technology rolling out this fall and new exam programs beginning soon!
B. College Board
Whether you’re a novice or experienced testing professional, this session will help you to best prepare your test center to ensure smooth administration of ACCUPLACER and CLEP. You will acquire information regarding most recent updates with ACCUPLACER and CLEP, testing trends, and resources available to support you and your student. There will be time for dialogue into various testing scenarios as well as an opportunity for feedback, questions and answers.
Lunch on Your Own: 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
Conference Drop-In: Proctor Stories: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Concurrent Session 1: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
A. Latest Trends and Threats to Exam Security
Presenter(s): Joe Kamell, Caveon Test Security
Program Track: Security
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Recent advancements in technology and AI seem to be benefiting cheaters more than benefitting efforts at test security. ChatGPT is a recent example. The use of remote-in proxy test takers is another. This presentation will review some of the most dangerous and effective of these, and will provide several elements of an effective approach for neutralizing or minimizing their impact on test scores. From the presentation, attendees will learn that fire can fight fire, that technology and AI can be harnessed as powerful tools in the battle against cheating.
B. Publishing in the Journal of the National College Testing Association (JNCTA)
Presenter(s): Steve Saladin, University of Idaho
James Wollack, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Program Track: NCTA
Room: Montecristo 1
The Journal of the National College Testing Association (JNCTA) is a peer-reviewed professional journal for those interested in testing and test administration. While anyone can submit an article for consideration, a key criteria for acceptance is that it be of interest or value to the members of NCTA. As a professional journal, articles are expected to meet professional standards with regard to methodology, analysis, formatting, writing and overall presentation of the results. This presentation is designed to help you translate your ideas into a good study, your study into a solid paper and your paper into a published article in the JNCTA. After a brief introduction and overview, the focus of this presentation will be determined by audience need. Bring your ideas, questions, and suggestions. Everything from basic research design to APA formatting, from submission guidelines to the review process/timelines and final publication are all fair game.
C. How Can Your Testing Center Provide Virtual Proctoring?
Presenter(s): Sean Doty, SmarterServices, LLC
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Partagas 2/3
During the pandemic as physical testing centers were forced to close, providers were scrambling for a way to continue testing while protecting the validity of testing results. Due to its ability to rapidly scale, many schools (somewhat reluctantly) shifted to automated virtual proctoring through which artificial intelligence monitors the testing event flagging potential testing anomalies which can be reviewed later. While this emergency model of proctoring was necessary, many schools became eager to better foster testing integrity. This led to the creation of a new virtual proctoring modality known as Hybrid Virtual Proctoring (HVP) which is a bring your own proctor model.It utilizes the AI of automated virtual proctoring to detect testing anomalies. Then, someone from the testing provider can serve as the virtual proctor looking in on the testing session in real-time and potentially stopping the session if needed to protect exam content. By utilizing some of their own staff as the virtual proctors assisted by AI, testing centers can be in control of the quality of virtual proctoring, regulate testing windows, generate revenue, and control the cost for the school and its students.
D. Graduate Student Proctors: Utilizing Student Employees at your Testing Center
Presenter(s): Carrie Solomon, Binghamton University
Rachel Eicholtz, Binghamton University
Program Track: Personnel
Room: Montecristo 2
Staffing in a post-COVID world is a major challenge across all industries, including higher education. How do you find the staff to run your testing center during these difficult times? At Binghamton University, our testing center operates primarily on student employee labor. Over the past seven years, we have hired more than 60 graduate students to serve as proctors. Come learn more about our hiring process, how training works, how we maintain a schedule, disseminate changes to our staff, reward exemplary performance, and address disciplinary concerns. We will discuss our strategies for working with graduate students, the unique challenges that it brings, and how hiring students might benefit you.
E. Service with a Smile: The Making of a Super Dynamic Testing Center
Presenter(s): Donna Rodriguez, Victoria College
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Cohiba 1/3
Have you noticed that students are facing an overwhelming number of competing demands (i.e., work, family, coursework, etc.) that prohibits them from making connections? How can your testing center become a dynamic connected center that promotes a supportive atmosphere and encourages students to stay in college and succeed? Join us as we highlight the benefits of making connections with testers, creating a welcoming environment that enhances the testing experience and helping students persist with their education. We will also discuss the meaning of effective communication and the role it plays in offering exceptional customer service. Lastly, we will share activities that promote connections on campus and in the community.
Concurrent Sessions 2: 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
A. Ability to Benefit; Is it your school's untapped enrollment pipeline?
Presenter(s): Sue Schmitz, College Board
Dr. Angela E. Thomas-DuPree, Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Program Track: Tests
Room: Montecristo 1
Ability to Benefit; Is it your school's untapped enrollment pipeline? All people regardless of their past should have the opportunity to build a better life through economic and social mobility. The best way to do that is through education. However, without a high school diploma or its equivalent, students face significant barriers to post-secondary education. Ability to Benefit (ATB) is designed for students that have not earned a high school diploma or equivalent and are seeking postsecondary federal financial Aid. The U.S. Department of Education requires a student to demonstrate a base skill level to participate in designated career pathways while simultaneously earning their high school equivalency. ACCUPLACER is the only assessment approved by the U.S. Department of Education available to fulfill that requirement for native English speakers. How can the ACCUPLACER Ability to Benefit assessment assist in building enrollment for high-skill, high-wage, high-demand programs that have become a focus and economic imperative for our nation? This session will focus on policy and procedure around the ACCUPLACER ATB and ideas from Campus-level admissions professionals on building this pipeline of students.
B. Let's talk about Cheating, Chegg and ChatGPT
Presenter(s): Rachel Schoenig, Cornerstone Strategies
Ray Nicosia, ETS
Faisel Alam, Law School Admission Council
Program Track: Security
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Cheating is nothing new, but the tools that can be used to support it are getting more sophisticated, smarter, and better funded. What are the issues these new technologies raise? How are these tools brought to market? And how can testing programs and proctors better address these new realities? Join us for a review of some of the most talked-about tools for cheating and some of the methods for addressing them. We’ll explore these new technologies as well as better understand funding sources, legal remedies, and the practical implications of technology. It’s a session you won’t want to miss!
C. WritePlacer/WritePlacer ESL--Leveling Paths for Students
Presenter(s): Kathie Montognese, College Board
Sandra Brasch, University of Central Florida
Denise Swafford, ACCUPLACER/CLEP
Maria Southard, Florida Southwestern College
Program Track: Tests
Room: Montecristo 2
WritePlacer, an on-demand essay test, is a cost-effective and efficient way to provide immediate placement results, allowing academic and student services professionals to collaborate and better serve students with the use of the Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA). The University of Central Florida recently incorporated WritePlacer into their competitive admission process for the limited-access Advertising and Public Relations major. Additionally, the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) department at Florida SouthWestern State College transitioned from professor-graded essays to WritePlacer ESL in the summer of 2020 to offer remote testing opportunities for the English Language Learners (ELL).
D. Tablets in the Test Room
Presenter(s): Sharon Broere, North Carolina State University
Kara Marschalk, North Carolina State University
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Partagas 2/3
Do you hate paperwork?! It is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and we have all felt the dread of a misfiled exam. Our office proctors ~80,000 exams per year. While the majority of our exams are delivered online, ~20% are paper-based. In Spring 2021, we presented an idea to deliver paper-based exams via (locked-down) tablets. When completed, the exams are delivered to the instructor electronically through our Instructor Portal. This presentation will go through our process from our Spring 2022 pilot to now. We will discuss why we chose to start this process and why you might want to try it too!
Conference Drop-In: Test Center Certification/Recertification: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Concurrent Sessions 3: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
A. Security Lessons Learned from Auditing Test Administration
Presenter(s): Joe Kamell, Caveon Test Security
Program Track: Security
Room: Cohiba 1/3
A test security audit is critical for any service provider or testing endeavor in higher education. Most organizations are unaware of the broad spectrum of test security threats, how they (the organizations) personally match up with best practices and standards, and how specific weaknesses can be efficiently strengthened. We will present on the lessons learned from many years of auditing test security practices and monitoring test administrations in schools, in test centers, and online.
B. Inclusivity and Accommodations: Testing for one, Testing for all.
Presenter(s): Ashley Norris, Meazure Learning
Sara Rieder Bennett, University of Akron
James Wollack, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Program Track: Accessibility
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Covid allowed for the transition of many programs to a remote proctoring delivery model for testing. One of the populations that had unique challenges and opportunities in transition was accommodated test-takers. Historically, test-centers have maintained best practices in protocol for accommodated test-takers. This diverse panel of testing programs, institutions, and vendors will discuss the unique challenges and solutions of test-center, remote and hybrid modality testing of test-takers with accommodations. They will share best practices and stories of how they support students to provide inclusivity and maintain equity across testing in their universities and programs.
C. Beat the Odds with CLEP Strategies in Your Center
Presenter(s): Dane Johns, Boise State University
Gini Beran, College Board
Program Track: Tests
Room: Montecristo 1
Discover effective strategies in promoting your CLEP testing program. We know the benefits of CLEP to students—saving of tuition dollars, freeing up of seat time in a given semester, and accelerated time to degree. For test centers, the ability to increase CLEP traffic is directly correlated to an increase in test revenues. Research also supports the benefits to colleges and universities including increase in degree completion and valid placement into college courses. Boise State will share various initiatives implemented over several years that has increased CLEP participation, provided access to credit-by-exam opportunities for a broader range of students, formed new opportunities for collaboration across departments on campus, and have Boise State University gain recognition as a Top National CLEP test center in 2023. This session will provide examples of strategies than can be replicated at your test center and provide ample time for discussion and sharing of best practices.
D. Starting From Scratch: Growing a Self-Supporting Test Center In a Continuing Education Unit
Presenter(s): Bobby Hensley, Western Carolina University
Dr. Carolyn Callaghan, Western Carolina University
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Montecristo 2
Though often unrecognized, testing can be a profitable revenue source for continuing and professional education departments in colleges and universities. This presentation explores how Western Carolina University’s Continuing Education Division turned an old computer lab into a 100% self-supporting, certified Pearson Vue, PSI and Meazure Testing center with only a couple of part-time staff members. Through strategic scheduling, the center continues to be a solid revenue producer while adhering to the division’s core mission of serving the region and helping people achieve their career goals. The keys are commercial testing, entrance exams and student-paid distance learning proctoring.
E. Let’s Talk About Proctoring Online Exams
Presenter(s): Tay McEdwards, Oregon State University
Emily Camp, Auburn University
Program Track: NCTA
Room: Partagas 2/3
Want to learn more about proctoring online exams but not sure where to start? Do you have questions about technology or methods for proctoring online exams but don’t know who to ask? Want an opportunity to discuss proctoring online exams with colleagues at other institutions or testing centers? Would you like to learn more about best practices or share lessons learned for proctoring online exams? Do you have ideas for resources that could help professionals wanting to learn more about proctoring online exams? Come join the co-chairs of the NCTA’s Online Learning Special Interest Group (SIG) for an opportunity to ask questions, engage in discussions, learn from colleagues, and share knowledge about proctoring online exams.
Registration Open: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Breakfast & Announcements: 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM
Sponsor Workshop 3: 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
ETS Sponsor Workshop: By invitation only.
B. Nocti Business Solutions/Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC)
The nation skills gap – being a part of the solution
Presented by: Anne Gielczyk, Vice President, Nocti Business Solutions
Tyler Kennedy, Marketing Coordinator, Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC)
The skills gap is a national issue and is affecting every industry across the country. How can your testing center be part of the solution while making money for your facility?
There is a growing rate of manufacturing organizations reshoring their operations and they need help finding technically skilled workers and training programs to assist in upskilling their current workforce. One such framework solution to address this growing skills-gap are certifications, such as those developed by the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), that align directly with industry-standards and provide nationally portable and stackable quality assurance credentials.
Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) and MSSC work together, alongside testing centers across the country, to provide the training and testing for individuals to earn these certifications. Learn how your testing center can be a part of it, as well as other workforce development opportunities.
C. Proctor360
Taking Testing Services Online: How to stay engaged with testing when learning goes remote
Presented by: Scott Crumpler and Kranthi Bathula
Room: Partagas 2/3
Proctor360's founders come from more than 10 years of physical test center experience, so they know how important Testing Services departments are to the integrity of Higher Education. Virtually every college has a remote proctoring solution by now, but those vendors often don't provide enough security or support for high stakes exams or for students with special accommodation needs. Join us as we show you how Proctor360's cloud-based software, which is designed specifically for physical test centers, can empower your team to proctor your institution's important exams online.
We'll focus on capabilities that your institution's remote proctoring vendor may not offer-- like online proctoring with the student's cell phone as a second camera viewing their desktop or monitor-- that will enable you to bring strategic value to your institution and keep you engaged in the testing process. Proctor360 sincerely believes that just because testing is moving online, testing professionals should not be eliminated from the process in Higher Education. That's why we're here, and that's why we've built tools just for professionals like you. Join us during this session and learn how to transition your team to online testing by using simple software that keeps you engaged in the testing process.
Coffee Break: 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Sponsor Workshop 4: 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
A. Pearson VUE/GED/Certiport
The impact of industry certification for Post-Secondary institutions, the student and potential employers
Scott Stoddart, Regional Director - Post-Secondary, Government & Workforce
Certiport, a Pearson VUE Business
The skills gap between what employers need and what newly graduated students offer is growing. Educational institutions can bridge that gap and better prepare students to enter the workforce.
Professional certifications are a growing field that allows students to demonstrate to potential employers they have mastered the practical skills to be successful as they start and evolve in a career.
This session will explore the current state of employability, the impact the skills gap has on employers and employees, and how education institutions can prepare students for a rapidly evolving job market by embedding and aligning certifications with Academic Programs.
Join us to discuss:
- Ways in which certifications boost employability for business students
- How schools can impart the skills needed for high-demand jobs within Academic Programs
- Some of the most important tools and technologies that schools can make accessible to students and faculty
B. Examity
Finding the Balance in Online Proctoring
Margaret Greenfield, Examity
Lisa Martini, Examity
Proctoring, online or in-person, is a nuanced business, and the complexities may lead some to question if it’s possible to support such a range of requirements. In short, the answer is yes!
Join Examity for an interactive workshop, where small groups will work through scenarios to align on best practices in proctoring in an ever-evolving world. You’ll also learn how Examity, a leader in human-centric proctoring, delivers configurable and secure testing experiences at scale!
C. McGraw Hill
Closing the Learning Gap with Opportunities for Student Prep and Effective Math Placement
Accurate math placement can have far reaching effects on both students and the institution as a whole. Especially when learners are provided the opportunity to learn and refresh on lost knowledge. Sherry Machacek, Coordinator of Academic Testing Services at College of DuPage will share how COD has successfully implemented ALEKS Placement, Prep and Learning to ensure students, regardless of age or ability, are effectively placed in the math course that they are ready to be successful in and also provided ample opportunity to improve placement. Born out of academia and designed by mathematicians, cognitive scientists, and software engineers studying Knowledge Space Theory, ALEKS PPL is a math placement and learning program built on artificial intelligence, capable of placing students correctly in the appropriate math course from basic math through calculus 1, all within a single assessment containing up to 25 adaptive/open ended questions. In addition to an award-winning assessment engine providing students up to 5 assessment attempts, ALEKS PPL also contains twelve months access to a personalized learning plan for students to complete within the learning modules. Our session will explore math placement best practices and efficacy behind ALEKS PPL.
Lunch & Keynote Presentation: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Keynote: Derek Newton, The Cheat Sheet
Lessons and Observations from Eight Years of Covering Academic Integrity
Derek Newton published his first article on academic integrity and misconduct for The Atlantic magazine in 2015. Since then, he’s written at least 30 different magazine and newspaper articles, given many press interviews, personally interviewed more than 100 professionals and experts, read and annotated hundreds of research papers and written more than 200 issues of “The Cheat Sheet.”
Newton will share what he’s learned about misconduct over the eight years he’s been writing, researching and talking about it. These include what he sees as irrefutable truths about cheating, what’s driving it, what is and what is not working, new cheating tricks and tactics and what educators, test providers and integrity leaders can do to reduce it.
Concurrent Sessions 4: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
A. The Multiple Personalities of Clients aka The Three (or more) Faces of St(Eve)
Presenter(s): Naora Ben-Dov, Woodbury University
Program Track: Other
Room: Partagas 2/3
We deal with multiple clients a day, a week, a month, along with their varied personalities and behaviors. Come explore the many faces that we deal with that typically fit into categories and how best to work along with them without losing your mind.
B. How to become a NCTA Certified Proctor
Presenter(s): Cindy James, Thompson Rivers University
Sara Rieder Bennett, University of Akron
Rose Starbuck, Sauk Valley Community College
Program Track: Personnel
Room: Cohiba 2/4
At last year’s conference, the NCTA Proctor Certification Exam was introduced to the membership. This exam is designed to evaluate and certify proctors who adhere to the best practices in proctoring. The proctor certification exam is now live with numerous proctors already being certified. In this session, detailed information about the exam and the procedures associated with it will be presented. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions about this valuable opportunity throughout the presentation. So if you are interested in becoming a NCTA certified proctor, you won’t want to miss this session.
C. Practicing Partnership Makes Perfect
Presenter(s): Margaret Greenfield, Examity
Courtney Habara, Durham College
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Montecristo 1
Henry Ford once said “Coming together is the beginning, staying together is a process, and working together is success.” In 2022, Durham College’s, Corporate Training Services joined up with Examity, a leader in online proctoring, to securely deliver their high-stakes online certification exams. Through a focus on data, communication, shared business goals, and of course, test security, these partners worked to overcome the common hurdles facing new vendor relationships to develop an optimal testing experience. Join leaders from Durham College and Examity as they share best practices learned from honing their business partnership within the context of high-stakes test delivery. The discussion will cover topics such as supporting multiple language options, establishing joint KPIs, 360 communication strategies, empowering remote Proctors, with time for questions from the audience. Attendees will walk away with insights on how to turn their vendors into partners and overcome the challenges of moving from in-person to online test delivery.
D. Design the Ideal Test Center
Presenter(s): William Thelen, Central Washington University
Sherry Machacek, College of DuPage
Guillero Laya, Montgomery College
Celeste Smith, University of Kansas
Llesmin Gonzalez, Texas State Technical College
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Cohiba 1/3
The Ideal Test Center task force is having a contest to design the Ideal Test Center! Turn on your inner architect and use your expertise as a Test Administrator and Proctor to design the Ideal Test Center. We will present all of the submissions for discussion and announce the winner of the contest at the Session.
Concurrent Session 5: 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
A. Exam Accommodations: The who, what, why and how
Presenter(s): Kelsey Jordan, Purdue University
Program Track: Accessibility
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Roughly 17% of all college-aged students identify as having a disability and could qualify for exam accommodations. How do Testing Centers meet this rising demand of students when there isn’t an increase in resources? We will discuss how important collaboration between the Disability Services office, Faculty, and the Testing Center is in ensuring accommodations are met. A key component of this collaboration is the use of Accessible Information Management (AIM). We will discuss how Purdue University utilizes AIM as well as innovative ways to handle some "unique" accommodations in an economical way.
B. Testing Our Limits: New Services, New Horizons
Presenter(s): Jinny Hurdle, University of Mississippi
Lisa Holben, University of Mississippi
Nic Davis, University of Mississippi
Leteria McDonald, University of Mississippi
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Cohiba 1/3
Just how far can we take testing on our campus? This past year we decided to put ourselves to the test! As both a full-service university and professional testing center, the Linda Chitwood Testing Center at Ole Miss has sought to expand its footprint and become an indispensable part of our university. We have established additional services leading to growth in the responsibility and capacity of the Testing Center. This has fueled demand for different levels of service on campus. This session will explore the decisions we've had to make in structuring our new services, how we've engaged our team and our support from the Division of Outreach, and where we hope to grow in the years to come.
C. Going it alone - Advice from a Star
Presenter(s): Marcey Mitcham, Northeastern State University
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Montecristo 1
Running a Testing Center solo? How do you manage doing it all alone? We are responsible for so much, from coordinating exams and proctoring various assessments both in person and now online. In addition to those duties we are responsible for establishing and maintaining working relationships with all of our stakeholders from University administrators, faculty, staff, government and private agencies, the general public and of course our students. We greet our visitors, answer the phone, return emails and phone calls, all with a pleasant attitude. It can all become overwhelming. As lone test center employees, we are in this together. This session will allow us to share how we make it work and how we keep it all together. Your participation and learned experience will be an invaluable contribution to the discussion.
D. How to Use Composite Scores to Enhance Placement Decisions
Presenter(s): Sue Schmitz, College Board
Kathie Montognese, College Board
Program Track: Tests
Room: Montecristo 2
ACCUPLACER recommends and supports using composite scores (multiple measure methods) for placement and has developed a tool within the platform to make it easier than ever! Courses require a student to possess multiple skills to be successful. Using composite scores allows an institution to holistically consider specific abilities when placing a student, and not rely on one test score to determine if a student has a reasonable chance of success. Institutions determine what skills are necessary for the course and the ACCUPLACER platform computes the composite score that is used to enhance placement decisions. Examples from the field (TBD - ACCUPLACER User) and a high-level demonstration of the composite tool and updating Placement Rules will be a part of this session.
E. Keynote Follow Up
Presenter(s): Derek Newton
Room: Montecristo 3
Derek will provide a follow-up session with more information and a chance to ask questions.
F. Security by the Numbers: Painting a Picture of Progress
Special Time: 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Presenter(s): Rachel Schoenig, Cornerstone Strategies
Jarret Dyer, College of DuPage
Margaret Greenfield, Examity
Program Track: Security
Room: Partagas 2/3
In a recent fourth amendment case, a federal district court judge recently pointed to a lack of evidence demonstrating the efficacy of room scans in a case. What are the numbers that support the value of proctoring? How can we demonstrate the effectiveness of the activities proctors are asked to perform? Is there evidence of the benefits proctors bring to academic integrity and exam security? Join exam security experts to discuss data supporting the value of human proctoring, room scans, and more. You’ll come away with a more complete picture of the value proctors bring to test takers and testing programs.
Partner Reception: 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM
Room: Cohiba 5-7
Registration Open: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Breakfast with Partners: 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM
Conference Drop-In: Test Center Certification/Recertification: 9:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Concurrent Sessions 6: 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
A. The AI is doesn't matter if you are for or against it. A Debate.
Presenter(s): Ashley Norris, Meazure Learning
Mark Ross, Miami Dade College Medical Campus
Faisel Alam, Law School Admission Council
Jarret Dyer, College of DuPage
Ray Nicosia, ETS
Program Track: Security
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Many debates have argued the pros and cons of AI in testing. It is not a question of whether you are for or against the use of A.I. in testing, it is happening. This intriguing panel of individuals with expertise in test security and program management in test center, remote, and hybrid delivery will debate the future of testing utilizing artificial intelligence. They will debate and discuss questions such as: How comfortable are you with A.I.? What is your tolerance level? When is it “ok” and when is it not ok to use A.I? Why do so many steer away from the discussion and how to address it?
B. Let's Talk- Accommodations 2.0
Presenter(s): Lindsay Jansen, University of Kentucky
Program Track: Accessibility
Room: Partagas 2/3
At the last “Let’s Talk” session we talked and got creative! This year we’ll cover even more! We’ll cover the accommodations that we find “harder” to meet, as well as cover the “technology” we use to meet various types of accommodations. Let’s put our heads together and through this interactive session learn, grow, and take away information and suggestions on how to meet testing accommodations. Whether you are a big or small testing center, meeting exam accommodations is a must; and we all want to make sure that we offer the best testing environment possible. How do we know that we are creating and maintaining the best possible? Let’s do it together!
C. Testing Outside of the Box! How challenges faced by the pandemic created opportunities to become a fully hybrid testing center.
Presenter(s): Erica Reyes, Joliet Junior College
Corey Orsini, Joliet Junior College
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Cohiba 1/3
Joliet Junior College (JJC) Testing Services located in Joliet, Illinois has three testing centers throughout the Will County region and helps meet the testing needs of its students and community members by offering a variety of placement, academic, and certification/specialization exams. Come learn how JJC’s Testing Services created sustainable and innovative testing opportunities implemented throughout the pandemic to become a fully hybrid testing center. Through strategic scheduling and budget planning, JJC used remote proctoring solutions, current resources, and support from the college to provide flexible and accessible proctoring to our college community. Highlights include the creation of a fully remote mini-testing lab, partnerships with other campus departments and high schools for large-scale remote testing sessions, revitalization of one of our satellite campuses, and innovative proctoring solutions for students with testing accommodations.
D. Two Lies and a Truth!
Presenter(s): Tricia Mathis, University of Georgia
Jackie Mitchell, University of Georgia
Program Track: Personnel
Room: Montecristo 1
Join us for a fun game and round table discussion as we explore scenarios that highlight testers and proctors balancing the testing center rules with the human factor. We will provide tips to help meet your testers where they are, support them during testing all while not depleting your own emotional reserves. This session is for those new to the proctoring game as well as those who have been around the block. Come ready to share your testing stories, share your expertise, and know you are not alone in the boat.
E. Embracing Technology: Moving State Agency Testing into the 21st Century
Presenter(s): Jennifer Hammitt-Burke, Ivy Tech Community College
Rebekah O’Brien, Ivy Tech Community College
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Montecristo 2
Ivy Tech Community College is the statewide Community College for Indiana. The College has partnerships with State agencies to be the sole testing entity of the agencies’ certification exams. These agencies include the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and the Indiana Department of Health. Ivy Tech’s Statewide Testing Services team has worked with the agencies to convert their tests from Paper/pencil to computer-based versions using the Talogy platform. This has increased efficiency with test delivery and score submission, led to greater test security, and made evaluating and updating the tests and test questions significantly easier. Join Ivy Tech Statewide Testing Services team as they discuss the journey they have taken with those State agencies and Talogy to improve processes and security.
Coffee Break with Partners: 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Exhibit Hall, Cohiba Ballroom 5-7
Concurrent Session 7: 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
A. A Conversation about Conversations - Holistic Reflections on Managing Online Delivery
Presenter(s): Margaret Greenfield, Examity
Kathie Montognese, College Board
Cindy James, Thompson Rivers University
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Montecristo 1
Join us for an exciting discussion where leaders from Examity, College Board, and Thompon Rivers University share 360-degree insights into the most common questions we’ve fielded about online delivery of the ACCUPLACER assessment. This discussion will cover topics such as addressing test anxiety, accommodations, demystifying online proctoring, and efficacy of online VS in-person delivery. Attendees will learn best practices for addressing these important questions both proactively and in real-time. There will also be time to address questions from the audience. Finally, with an eye to the future of online testing, learn how these organizations are using stakeholder feedback to prepare for the evolution of online delivery.
B. Testing Excellence
Presenter(s): Kito March, University of Akron
Josh Rivas, University of Akron
Sara Rieder Bennett, University of Akron
Program Track: Personnel
Room: Cohiba 1/3
This session will review the metamorphosis of The University of Akron’s Computer-Based Assessment and Evaluation center over a 5-year period (2018-2023).Attendees will be provided with an in-depth look at the processes by which CBA&E staff transformed the center from an IT run computer lab to a testing focused center. The transformation included aspects such as review, reorganization, and restructuring all leading to a cultural shift. The goal of creating a center focused on student success was achieved by actions including faculty surveys, discontinued use of homegrown systems, updated training procedures and testing policy adjustments. Insight into the challenges the Covid-19 presented in the midst of these adaptations will be addressed as well.
C. Managing Expectations: How to set expectations for students, Testing Center staff, and faculty
Presenter(s): Kelsey Jordan, Purdue University
Program Track: Personnel
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Every person enters a situation with certain expectations. This is especially true when it comes to the testing world. Once expectations are set, however, it is important to hold people accountable to meeting them. In this presentation, we will discuss how to set reasonable expectations for students, Testing Center staff, and faculty. We will discuss different presentation and communication strategies used at Purdue University that have proven to be successful. The information in this presentation can be modified for any testing center no matter what type of exams they administer.
D. The Value of Testing: Making Connections
Presenter(s): Holly Banes, Arizona Western College
Silvia Kempton, Arizona Western College
Theresa Bravo, Arizona Western College
Program Track: Other
Room: Partagas 2/3
The “Testing Center” across campuses and communities is known for high-stakes exams, benchmarks for placement into College-Ready Courses and/or student-based exams. With that said, in 2020 due to COVID-19 institutions across the nation and third-party vendors for the first-time were confronted with removal of face-to-face services and tests were canceled. With that said, making connections and focusing on each Test Center's unique abilities to provide services to their campuses and communities is paramount. In this session, you will learn about making connections with key stakeholders, state associations and industry to bond links to reinventing the value in testing.
E. The Negative Impact of COVID-19 on Professional Licensure Exams with Work Integrated Learning.
Presenter(s): Dr. Triba Gary-Davis, Tennessee State University
Program Track: Tests
Room: Montecristo 2
According to the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Office of Health Policy, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated healthcare staffing shortages, burnout, and work-related exhaustion. The negative impact of COVID-19 can also be seen in educational institutions that prepare health care workers for professional licensure with high faculty turnover, school closures, and lost instructional time in classrooms and clinical settings where student-patient interactions and apprenticeships are vital learning components. During the pandemic, universities had to change from in-person training to a learning model compromised by clinical settings that had to focus on immediate patient care. The purpose of this proposal is to examine the impact of COVID-19 in Work Integrated Learning (WIL) curricula with professional licensure exams and how testing centers can implement resources to aid in academic normalcy and professional licensure success.
F. How ACT WorkKeys Testing Can Enhance Student and Community Engagement
Presenter(s): Melissa Ramsey, Northeast State Community College
Program Track: Tests
Room: Montecristo 3
This presentation will cover Northeast State Community College’s partnership with one of the largest employers in the region to proctor ACT WorkKeys for their prospective employees and the benefits for Northeast State’s students who earn the WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). A designated part-time proctor administers the ACT WorkKeys. A relationship builds between the proctor and test takers who must retest several times before earning the scores needed for the employer. The proctor’s salary is solely paid from the revenue test-takers pay the college. The Advanced Technology Department at Northeast State can account for any NCRC level obtained by current or past students for the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) certification. Students who have the Industrial Concepts course in their curriculum can earn three credit hours for the course by submitting a copy of their Gold or Platinum NCRC and a resume to the Admissions office. Students in some Advanced Technology classes also use their WorkKeys results in their application when applying for a co-op position with local employers. One of the counties that Northeast State serves is now an ACT Work-Ready community. There are three other counties that are very close to obtaining that same status.
Lunch & Awards: 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Cohiba Ballroom 8-10
Conference Drop-In: CAS Testing Programs and Services -- How to get involved: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Concurrent Session 8: 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
A. Proctored Versus Unproctored Math Placement Tests: Does It Matter?
Presenter(s): Rachel Hample, Temple University
Program Track: Other
Room: Partagas 2/3
Many institutions use placement tests as a method to assess students’ readiness for college-level coursework. While unproctored placement tests may provide financial and logistical benefits for institutions and students, it is important to examine if there are differences in academic outcomes when tests are administered in this format. This presentation explores a research study on whether there are differences in math course performance and college student enrollment persistence between students who completed a proctored or unproctored math placement test. Results of the study, including differences in distribution of course placements, academic performance in the first math course taken, and academic performance in the second math course taken will be shared with attendees. Such information will be helpful to institutions exploring whether to retain proctoring as a practice during math placement tests.
B. Remote Proctoring and Test Security - We are in this together!
Presenter(s): Sue Schmitz, College Board
Lisa Martini, Examity
Program Track: Security
Room: Cohiba 1/3
Who has a stake in test security and why? Students, proctors, faculty, admissions professionals, testing directors, and test developers all have something to lose each time the security of a test is violated. Remote testing is no exception. Please join us to gain a better understanding of test security from Examity and ACCUPLACER and how we can all work together in the best interest of students. Join testing professionals from a Community College, Examity, and College Board for a lively discussion about the ins and outs of test security and how you can help support a culture of test security on your campus. There will be plenty of time for Q & A!
C. Tracking Test Center Volume and Revenue
Presenter(s): Kathy Kollar-Valovage, Ed.D., Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Struggling to find a way to track test center volume and revenue? Come to this session to learn how using just two (2) MSExcel files can make keeping track simple. We’ll also discuss how these data files can be used to inform your Test Center Annual Report for your school and deliver the required documentation in support of your test center’s application for NCTA Test Center Certification and Recertification.
D. Changing AI proctoring strategies: Asking leadership to increase testing resources
Presenter(s): Felicia Wallace, University of Cincinnati
Megan Wuebker, University of Cincinnati
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Montecristo 1
At the start of the pandemic, our urban, R1 university acquired an AI-based tool to meet an immediate need for online proctoring. However, significant concerns with that AI proctoring system led us to seek a different solution. After a successful pilot of non-AI proctoring, we asked university leadership to provide permanent funding for this solution. In this session, we will provide an overview of the pilot and findings. We will spend most of the session discussing the four areas in which we focused our recommendation and how this focus ultimately persuaded leadership to fully support an equitable, student-centered, campus-based online proctoring experience.
E. Advancing Opportunities: Utilizing State Programs to serve First Year College Students.
Presenter(s): Dane Johns, Boise State University
Gini Beran, College Board
Program Track: Tests
Room: Montecristo 2
The Idaho Advancing Opportunities Grant provided Boise State and CLEP a unique opportunity to serve First Year College Students. Join Dane Johns and Gini Beran for a seminar on how to take advantage of your state's educational grants to serve diverse student populations while generating revenue.
Concurrent Session 9: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
A. What Proctors Need to Know about Privacy Laws, Fairness, and Other Training Topics
Presenter(s): Rachel Schoenig, Cornerstone Strategies
Ray Nicosia, ETS
Faisel Alam, Law School Admission Council
Jarret Dyer, College of DuPage
Program Track: Personnel
Room: Cohiba 1/3
Proctors are considered “trusted insiders” in the testing world. They are privy to significant amounts of personal data and confidential information, and trusted to not only ensure an exam is delivered by the rules but that the data exchanged is secure and protected. In addition, proctors are often the face of testing programs, interacting closely with test takers and intervening in test sessions when required. This places proctors in situations where acting with fairness, empathy and respect are critical to providing a safe and secure test experience. This session will provide an overview of the evolution of personal data and intellectual property protection, fairness, and the testing industry. We will discuss how these changes impact proctors and methods for improving compliance and training so staff are prepared to handle the data and the incidents that can arise during testing. Join testing professionals for an engaging and practical session!
B. Test Center Communications (Part 1): How effective communications can improve (almost) everything!
Presenter(s): Sandra Brasch, University of Central Florida
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Many test center managers must do “all the things”, including communications and marketing. But where do we find the time? Does it really make a difference in our daily operations? This session will discuss how effective, well-planned communications can help ease test-taker anxiety, improve check-in and testing procedures, increase test security, justify requests for funding, increase testing volume and income, and save time for staff. We will share examples of communication strategies and tools, with a focus on creating and implementing an annual communications and marketing plan. A sample plan will be shared, along with a basic template. This interactive session will start with a presentation, followed by forming small groups in which participants can brainstorm potential communications strategies and share ideas for future implementation.
C. Artificial Intelligence vs. Academic Integrity: Musings on the Future of Assessment & Testing
Presenter(s): Tricia Bertram Gallant, University of California San Diego
Program Track: Other
Room: Partagas 2/3
As we entered 2023, the latest disruptor to the educational system was on the top of my mind for many in education and in society: ChatGPT. If you scour the web, you can likely find as many pieces for it as against it. “Teachers fear ChatGPT will make cheating easier than ever”, “The Brilliance and Weirdness of ChatGPT”, and “The nail in the coffin: How AI could be the impetus to reimagine education” are just a few examples. Although ChatGPT was getting much of the attention, it is only one of the many artificial intelligence tools out there that are already and will continue to disrupt the educational system: CoPilot, Ghostwriter, DALL-E, Fermat, Elicit, Caktus, Minerva, PhotoMath and WolframAlpha (just to name a few). Students are using these programs to cognitively off-load some (or all) of their academic work, just like they have been cognitively offloading some math to calculators, or spelling and grammar to Word or Grammarly, or assignment completion to humans employed with Chegg, Coursehero, or essay-writing companies. And, as artificial intelligence becomes, well, more intelligent, it will be capable of doing more and more of the cognitive heavy-lifting for students. But, it will also be more capable of doing things for instructors too, like crafting lesson plans and assessments, and grading. So, what does all of this mean for academic integrity, teaching, learning, assessment and testing centers? Join Dr. Bertram Gallant in this session to muse the future of assessment and the role that testing centers might play in this session. We might even ask artificial intelligence for their thoughts on the future of education and assessment! By the end of the session, we hope that participants will hold both an optimistic hope for the future of education, as well as a call-to-action for a revolution in testing.
D. How to be an Anti-Racist ...Testing Center
Presenter(s): Lisa Macaruso, University of Rhode Island
Program Track: Other
Room: Montecristo 1
This session will begin with an overview of how URI's Academic Testing Center partnered with departments and divisions to successfully create and implement meaningful DEI initiatives in one academic year. Examples will include how to launch Testing Accommodations for Ramadan, what designation as a campus SafeZone means to students, Mental Health First Aid, and modeling inclusive language for proctors. Barriers and issues faced throughout the year will also be discussed. Testing center managers and staff will be provided with practical steps to elevate testing center practices, be given opportunities to become more comfortable engaging in difficult conversations, and offered ways to help their center shine as a DEI partner on campus.
Business Meeting & Snacks: 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Registration Open: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Concurrent Session 10: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
A. NCTA Book Club: Surrounded By Idiots
Presenter(s): Theresa Beebe-Novotny, Georgia Southern University
Cheryl Wieser, Bossier Parrish Community College
Mary Vaughn, Mississippi State University
Lisa Holben, University of Mississippi
Claire Skiba, SmarterServices
Program Track: Personnel
Room: Montecristo 1
Are you perplexed as to why others behave in a certain way? Have you been frustrated when attempting to communicate with others and you feel you are surrounded by idiots? The NCTA Professional Development Division sponsored its third book club discussion in the Fall 2022, to discuss Surrounded By Idiots by Thomas Erikson. This session will present the concepts of identifying behavior types and how to work more effectively with each type. Each presenter will discuss the four color types (red, yellow, blue, or green) presented in the book addressing their preferred work environment, the perceived positive and negative behaviors for each type, and the impact on a team. You will leave the presentation with an understanding of how to identify behavioral types, effectively work with different colors, and understand your color combination. Come to this session to learn more about how our color influences our personal actions and communication.
B. Test Center Communications (Part 2): How to make professional videos for people who don’t make videos.
Presenter(s): Sandra Brasch, University of Central Florida
Zakina Ogbourne, Florida International University
Program Track: Test Center Management
Room: Cohiba 2/4
Effective communications are accessible, interesting, and concise. Videos are a great way to meet these criteria but creating one can be intimidating, especially for beginners. This interactive session will focus on easy, inexpensive, and free methods that anyone can use to create professional-quality videos for your test center. Session topics will include a discussion of video elements, free and cheap video editing software, tips and tricks for basic editing, screen captures, animated text, and audio. Attendees will want to bring a tablet or laptop if possible to participate in some sample activities. All attendees will receive a PDF with helpful resources and links for software, stock footage, free audio, and editing tutorials. Note- this session pairs with Test Center Communications (Part 1) but can also be attended as a standalone session.
C. Universal Design for Testing
Presenter(s): Alan Dixon-Hurd, California State University Sacramento
Michael Smith, California State University Sacramento
Program Track: Accessibility
Room: Cohiba 1/3
This presentation is designed for anyone interested in applying the universal design principles to make testing more compatible with broad student participation. Participants will examine their role in providing equal access and opportunities to students regardless of physical, mental, or other constraints. This presentation is not about appealing to personal preferences, but strives to find ways to attain equal access for the greatest number of examinees without compromising the test. Participants will gain a working knowledge of Universal Design for Testing, including how individual variability plays out in different educational environments; strategies for adopting a universal-design attitude; tips, guidelines, and techniques for preparing the environment; as well as strategies for making test content and output more accessible. Participants will analyze testing center policies and procedures and apply strategies that provide students with the best opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
D. Research Findings: Do Live Proctors Detect a Higher Percentage of Fake IDs Compared to Remote Proctors?
Special time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Presenter(s): Sally Carter, Southeast Missouri State University
Jarret Dyer, College of DuPage
Program Track: Security
Room: Partagas 2/3
The results are in. We have collected data from over 100 proctors, test center administrators, and test vendor staff to determine if live proctors detect a higher percentage of fake IDs than remote proctors detect. Participants were shown a set of 25 IDs and were asked to determine if the ID was fake or valid. Some volunteers participated in a live setting where they could handle the IDs. Other volunteers participated in a remote setting, viewing the IDs through a webcam. Additional data was collected about each volunteer’s work title, years of experience in testing, training on dealing with fake IDs, and the self-reported level of confidence each volunteer possessed regarding their ability to detect a fake ID. We’ll share our results and discuss future research projects based on our findings.
Closing Panel, Snacks, Door Prizes: 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Cohiba Ballroom 8-11
Don't miss this vital closing keynote panel at the NCTA conference, featuring legal authorities in the testing industry, Rachel Watkins Schoenig and Marc Weinstein. They will explore the landmark Cleveland State University v. Ogletree case, wherein an Ohio Federal court ruled that a mandatory room scan during a remote proctored exam violated a student's Fourth Amendment rights. Although the case's application is narrow, its potential wider implications are resonant within higher education.
The panel will shine a light on the delicate balance between privacy, technology, and academic integrity, distilling key lessons from the case, and mapping out the implications for the future of remote education and testing. Our experts will suggest strategies that harmonize student rights and exam integrity.
This intricate issue warrants in-depth dialogue. Our panel will arm attendees with insightful, practical strategies to navigate the shifting landscape of college testing. Seize this opportunity to learn from those at the vanguard of legal thought in higher education and testing.