NCTA Proctoring Network Guidelines


NCTA has established the NCTA Proctoring Network (NPN) as a means by which students enrolled in distance education courses can take examinations required by those courses at a testing center rather than having to travel to the original institution for evaluative purposes. It may also serve other individuals in need of a supervised location in which to test. All participants in NPN must be members in good standing of NCTA and subscribers to the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines. Listings on the NPN are restricted to collegiate or corporate testing centers and are not available to individuals or other groups who wish to serve as a proctor.


Testing centers participating in the NPN will offer examinees testing, either through the Internet or by traditional paper-pencil means, in a controlled, proctored environment. The testing center is under no obligation to deliver all exams and may refuse requests based on time commitments, technical issues or other exam based requirements. Administration procedures, payment for services, scheduling and other details must be worked out between the examinee, the test provider (professor, department, home institution, etc.) and the testing center.

Testing Center Responsibilities

Testing center staff will verify the identity of the examinee by checking photo identification from a school, employer, government agency, or other source, as specified by the test provider. Testing center staff will actively monitor the testing room but will not monitor test content unless instructed to do so by the test provider. Testing center staff must be responsible and competent to receive and follow all reasonable instructions from the test provider, such as timing the exam, providing scratch paper and pencils, etc. In addition, all testing center staff should read and be fully aware of the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines.

Physical Setting

The testing center will provide a noise reduced environment with acceptable test-taking conditions. The room should be dedicated to testing (but can utilize various types of testing) during the scheduled session and should have controlled access. Appropriate lighting, temperature control, and noise restrictions must be considered. Network participants must be subscribers to the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines. As subscribers to the NPN, testing centers must be aware of and implement these standards and guidelines to the best of their ability. Listing must be renewed annually at which time acknowledgement of all requirements will be obtained.


All examinations must be scheduled by prior contact between the test provider, the testing center, and the examinee. It is the responsibility of the examinee to initiate such contact.

Charges and Fees

Fees will be determined by the testing center and will generally be paid by the examinee unless other arrangements are made prior to the testing appointment. Testing centers are expected to set at a reasonable rate which may vary considerably by location. All fees must be fully disclosed prior to testing.

Test Provider Responsibilities

The test provider will be responsible for specifying to the examiner any restrictions on testing materials, including books, notes, instruments, and other aids. For web-based examinations, the test provider will also implement any restrictions and controls on the software used to deliver the tests and will supply the examiner with minimum hardware configurations, necessary passwords, and all other pertinent instructions prior to the day of the examination.


The National College Testing Association does not guarantee the quality of services provided by members of the NCTA Proctoring Network and is not responsible for errors made in the administration of examinations. Examinees should carefully evaluate the site selected to ensure it is appropriate and must work out specific details of each administration with the selected center. NCTA reserves the right to refuse or remove a listing for any reason.


If you have questions about the NPN, please email [email protected].