Keynote Speaker
Meghan Grace
Co-author, Generation Z Goes to College

Meghan Grace

In our classrooms and testing centers, Generation Z students have replaced Millennials on college campuses. Far more than just hyper-versions of their Millennial predecessors, this new generation will bring a new set of characteristics, perspectives, motivations, and concerns with them as they enter and navigate college. The way we work with Generation Z students must be reflective of their unique generational identity.  This session breaks down what we know about Generation Z and presents considerations to develop strategies to best work with Generation Z students on the college campus.

Meghan Grace is the co-author of the book, Generation Z Goes to College. She has experience in program management, leadership development, curriculum development, and assessment. Meghan previously worked as the Director of Undergraduate Programming & University Partnership for Sigma Phi Epsilon's Headquarters staff and as a Coordinator for Leadership Programs at the University of Arizona. She has served as an instructor for courses in leadership development, social entrepreneurship, career preparedness, and event planning. Meghan completed her undergraduate degree at Chapman University and her master's in higher education at the University of Arizona.  She is pursuing her doctoral degree at Vanderbilt University studying higher education leadership and policy.
